As a Senior Australian, are you worried and concerned about developing dementia as you age? Do you often think about your family medical history and wonder if the same will happen to you? The real fact is that ONE in 10 people over 65 have this debilitating disease.
Currently there is no clinical test that can tell you if you're at risk and there is no cure for dementia. Fit Minds Australia has developed a Brain Health Check for seniors like you to discover if you’re at risk of this disease and what you can do to slow down the degenerative process. It’s just like checking your blood pressure for your heart health except you’re checking your brain health.
Fit Minds Australia is Australian based and we work with Senior Australians like you to discover if you need to put in place proactive measures to boost your brain health, expand your disease-free years and ultimately slow down the effects of brain ageing.
In fact, let us prove it to you, put your name and email in the box provided and we’ll send you our Free Brain Health check which you can complete in the privacy of your own home to know how Healthy your brain is right now.
Life changing mental stimulation to boost Brain Health and Reduce Dementia Risk for the over 60's